
Masterclass Program on Sales and Customer Care for Professional Waiters (20 students Module) (Spanish Edition)

Original price was: $5,900,000.Current price is: $5,550,000.


In its Spanish Edition, our Masterclass Program on Professional Waiters is taught by Anastasia Suarez, professional maitre and author of “The Professional Waiter” / “The Profesión Camarero”, published by Trade Academy Publishing.

The program is comprised of two parts, totaling 10 individual classes for up to 20 students.

The first Module, Strategic Management of Professional Waiters’ teams, is tailored to Restaurant and Cafe owners, in order to align objectives, expectations, processes and reward systems for their team of waiters.

The second Module, focuses on the waiters’ team, and addresses all the issues and techniques to become and ideal host to the restaurant’s clients as well as learning the ins and outs improving dramatically the sales ticket of tables attended.

After completing the course the Waiters’ team will not only be able to enjoy better relations with their regular clients but also to gain confidence in their abilities and take advantage of growth opportunities that the profession provides.

The program also provides a copy of “The Professional Waiter” book for each participant as well as an active user for The Professional Waiter online course, provided exclusively through Trade Academy Food & Services platform.